Albany High School’s First Major Building Milestone!
The new academy building houses three academies - two more to follow.
As a firm owner I can now look back to significant projects that shaped who I am and how I got here. This past weekend, The City School District of Albany celebrated the opening of Phase 1 of the Albany High School Rebuild Project, a multi-phased project that began back in 2012. At that time, I was affiliated with another organization and with several other district leaders who helped shape the project. One in particular, Hon. Ginnie Farrell, Ward 13 Common Council for the City of Albany was on the District’s school board and throughout the intensive community engagement period, the Board President. Side by side, and along with several others, we spent countless hours together. I reached out to her as I reminisced about my role as the lead designer who set the vision of the $179.9M project. Here’s what she had to say “1000 + hours of meetings, hundreds of questions, well over 60 presentations, tons of outreach – all for one dream for the future. We get to finally see what was once an idea grow into a stunning academic space.”