A complex interconnection of security design, accessibility, and infrastructure modernization across the district.
Scoping Plan
Scope of Work

New High School Entrance
Secure Entry
2022 Capital Project
Steam to hot water conversion; electric service upgrades; asbestos abatement; ceilings, flooring, and window replacements
Secure entrance vestibules and security offices; security systems enhancements; exterior and interior door and door hardware replacements; improved site lighting
Mechanical ventilation and cooling; new interior lighting; domestic water and sanitary piping replacements
Bathroom renovations; interior and exterior stairs upgrades; ramps and parking improvements
Improvements to sports fields; storm water management; pavement and walkways; parking and bus circulation
Yearly Phased Improvements
Replacement of original steam boilers, pumps and controls; reconfiguration of the boiler room to meet current building codes at Waverly School.
Modernization of the existing heating and hot water systems including new natural gas service, new dual-fuel boilers, new domestic water heaters, back-flow prevention on the building’s water services, and new HVAC controls at Anne Hutchinson School.
Roof replacements at Greenvale School and Eastchester High School.
Roof replacements at Eastchester Middle School; major renovations to the Middle School gymnasiums including new HVAC, lighting and finishes.
District-Wide Modernization
Eastchester, New York
After delaying a safety and security focused bond project vote in early 2020 due to COVID, the district, MEMASI and construction manager developed a more comprehensive project addressing districtwide safety and security, aging infrastructure, accessibility, and site improvements. Approved in early 2022, the team began the implementation of the 5-year project to modernize and improve security at each school in the district.
Client: Eastchester Union Free School District
Completion Dates:
2022 Capital Project: Summer 2027
Annual Transfer-to-Capital Projects: On-going